Monday, June 13, 2011

List 14: Things I'm Grateful For This Week

  1. The funds to buy what I want even though I don't have a job (how that is possible, I don't know).

  2. UFC on free-to-air. You don't know how thankful I am for that, even though they show the fights not in order and The Ultimate Fighter is about a billion seasons behind.

  3. Open Till Midnight quoting Robert Frost. My heart fell in love.

  4. Doctor Who. OMFGWTFBBQ. That's all I can say.

To be perfectly honest, it's getting harder and harder to put blog posts up and keep this up each week. I'm just getting so lazy and uninspired. And now that uni's over I just want to sit around reading and stretching all day. Yeah, stretch... I miss being flexible.

That and because I'm getting ready to leave, all I can think about is my trip and the posts I'm going to do for my other blog. Okay, rant over. We'll see how this goes.

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