Sunday, June 5, 2011

List 13: Things I'm Grateful For This Week


  2. Getting through the semester (and that horrid unit) in basically one piece.

  3. New haircut! It was time for a change and I was due for a haircut anyway. My hair looks quite different to what it used to; people actually had trouble recognising me today (people being my godsister... yeah, my godsister whom I see every week). I love my hairdresser, Max. I'm still trying to get used to my new look; I still get a bit shocked when I look at my reflection :P. At least most people seem to like it... or do they...?

  4. Finally getting time to read City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare.

  5. DOCTOR WHO. OMGWTFBBQ! I thought The Almost People episode was alright... until the very end! LE GASP! Shock horror! I spent pretty much the last 15 to 20 minutes of the episode crying and in shock with my mouth hanging open. I was actually having trouble breathing. I am a MASSIVE and proud Whovian, if you hadn't already guessed.

  6. A FANTASTIC mark on my final monologue assessment. As mentioned in List 10, I was stressing and still trying to memorise my lines 10 minutes before I performed. Despite all that, I got an 8/10 HD mark. I was SO happy when I got Jeremy's email with my mark! I had been having a tough day so when I got that result, it made everything better. I read his email and comments (on my monologue and journal) so many times because I couldn't believe the mark or feedback he had given me.

Tomorrow's a public holiday here in Perth so I hope you have a good day (and week for that matter!), whether you have it off or not. Let me know what you're grateful for!

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