Sunday, November 7, 2010

Making Lists

I have decided that I'm going to [try to] start/do a bunch of things next year:

1) Get a job
- So I was supposed to get a job this year but uni started and I'm not the best at time management. I got really stressed during first semester whenever assignments and exams rolled around and couldn't really handle it. If I couldn't even handle that, how was I suppose to juggle that and a job? So I didn't get one in first semester.

Then I was supposed to get a job during the semester break but I went away for almost a month...

I actually started looking for jobs when uni started again in semester 2 but all that was available were full or part time positions or managerial positions when I needed a casual position. I suppose I'm a little bit fussy too...but just quietly :P. So anyway, I'm going to get a job next year when I get back from Singapore because I a) need the money and b) actually sort of miss working and c) need to stop mooching off people :P.

- This is an important one. A very important one. Less procrastination = less unnecessary assignment cramming the night before = less stress = happier Des = better world!

3) Work harder
- I say this every year but next year I really do want to at least -try- to work harder. And I also know I say that every year too. Next year is quite important that I do try to work harder though. I'm off to America in the second half of next year for uni exchange but in order to go to the college that I've put as my first preference, I need a better GPA (grade point average). I could swap my preferences around and be dandy with the grades I currently have but I really do want to go Binghampton (mainly because it's the closest school to NYC :D) which means I need a better grade. Boo :(.

4) Be healthier
- This is also important and involves a number of things.

Firstly, I want to be getting more exercise so that means on top of doing ballet, I want to start running (we have a treadmill at home), take walks around my neighbourhood, go to Zumba (I'm dying to go to a class!).

Secondly, I want to be eating better. More veggies, more fruits, less sugar and unncessary carbs, less snacking. Things like that.

And thirdly, I want to be more flexible! Being flexible doesn't always mean you're healthy but under my other catagories for "being healthier", it kind of fits. I used to be uber flexible in year 12 because I was dancing everyday and I stretched because I was aiming for things (super flat splits, penches, higher arabesque, good strong lines, etc) but this year it just kind of died. Not that I'm not aiming for splits or high arabesques because I really am, it's just that I didn't have time to do a full stretch routine that I need to get my further and my muscles kind of shrank I suppose. It sucks. I want to be flexible again :(.

5) Help out more
- So most people don't know this about me but I really like helping people. Volunteering and doing community work actually makes me happy (when I'm not being forced to do it) and I feel good helping people. Even if it's tutoring a friend in something, helping out backstage, doing make up for friends for free, talking to a friend about an issue or problem and helping them through it - it just makes me feel good and happy and I feel like I need to do this more.

To Write Love On Her Arms holds internships for people over the age of 18 and I really want to go. It's a bit of a story to why I support TWLOHA so much but they're an overall amazing organisation and it would be such a priviledge to be able to intern with them, learn and help people.

6) Smile more
- Try to be happier in general, really.

7) Make lists!
- I was inspired by this to make lists. I think it's cute and a good way to keep track of the things I've been thinking, especially if I'm going to be in America by myself next year.

There are probably way more things to do but that's all I can think of right now. This was just supposed to be a quick post about nothing. Now I'm off to take a shower :).

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