Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Don't do drunk blogs.

Note to self: Don't ever blog when angry and drunk.

I saw The Social Network last night and it was really interesting. I'm sure you probably know what it is but if you don't, it's about Facebook and follows the events surrounding its invention and the legal and social issues that its creator, Mark Zuckerberg, faced. This is by no means a review, I just wanted to post something up. This isn't really a spoiler but if you don't like knowing about a movie at all before you've watch it, don't read on.

The movie begins with Zuckerberg's girlfriend breaking up with him and as a result, he goes back to his dorm, angry and begins to blog on is Livejournal (ancient, I know :P), all the while downing beer. Not only is be drunk blogging but he's also programming Facemash, an online hotness voting website that allowed students from Harvard to rate the female Harvard students against each other. All in one night. Incredible. I was really impressed with that (nerd, much? I revel in my geekiness though).

The Social Network was really interesting (although I question how much of it was actually true), especially if you're a Facebook user. And even if you're not a Facebook user, it's still cool to see how it developed and just how talented a programmer Mark Zuckerberg is.

Since we're [kinda] on the topic of drunk blogs, this pretty ladeh is hilarious and this is her drunk blog post. Lolness ahead of you if you read it. Now go!

On a side note, I watched The Loved Ones tonight. It's this Australian horror-ish movie (I'm actually not sure what to classify it under) and I think it's the scariest movie I've ever paid money for to watch. I don't do scary movies. Ever. Ever, ever, ever! I went to watch it because it looked kind of interesting but mostly because Xavier Samuel was in it. I know, I know, silly. But he's so cute (even with long hair. I had to get used to that). Unfortunately, that didn't detract from the horrificness (that is now a word) of his torture. But you should go watch and support the Australian film industry!

Right, back to the point of this random drabble post.
Moral of the story is: never blog when you're drunk and angry.

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