Thursday, August 12, 2010

unedited Coffee

The warm aroma fills my nose
like the afternoon sun on my back
after a cold morning,
like a bear hug in a sad situation,
a surprise gift on an ordinary occasion
or a hot shower after a long, freezing day.
It spreads through my body like
hot tea filling my stomach, like weightlessness,
like a call from home in an empty,
lonely city. It's like a scarf
against the chill, a familiar
laugh of someone loved,
a thick blanket around me in front
of the TV.
Like seeing a baby's first smile,
like endless nights out with best friends,
like coming home after a long time away,
like curling up in front of a fireplace alone
in the middle of winter with a cup of coffee,
the warm aroma filling my nose.


We had to do an exercise today in Creative Writing modelled off Michael Ondaatje's poem 'Sweet Like A Crow' about a specific noise, smell or taste that we'd experienced. This was what I came up with, done in about half an hour. I was sleepy and I hadn't had a coffee in a while.

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