Thursday, August 5, 2010

And so begins

the drabbles of my overactive imagination.
The url is that at the moment because I didn't want anyone else to have it. I'm not sure if I'll keep it but I can always change it later. I was inspired by Whitley. I just got home from his goodbye tour and it was a great gig. I think he's better live than he is on the album, kudos to you kid. But damn you for moving to England and leaving us behind. I shall be sans-Whitley for at least two years. What will I ever do? On the bright side, Yellowcard are back together and I am immensely happy.

But I digress. So really, I started this blog as a place to post my creative writing pieces. Seeing as I'm getting back into writing again and that I'll actually have to be finishing my pieces (thanks, Creative Writing unit. No, really, thanks. It's been too long since I last wrote something that wasn't a rant), I thought I'd find somewhere I could post them. Since I already have a couple of other blogs, what's another one, hey?

So the first story-post probably won't be up for a while but I just wanted to get the ball rolling.

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