2) Pick a time period where no one is around and you couldn't say goodbye to a lot of people before said time period because everyone is stressed and freaking out about assignments and exams: finals week and winter break.
3) Leave packing to the last minute.
4) Cry unstoppably while you pack at the last minute.
5) Cry about having left packing to the last minute because you have so much to pack or throw out.
6) Cry about how much shit you've amassed and how it happened without you even realizing it.
7) Take periodic breaks to watch all 10 seasons of Friends.
8) Put off looking for flights for two months.
9) Book your flight just over a week before it leaves.
10) Cry while you book your one-way plane ticket.
11) Continue crying as you pack three and a half years of your life into two suitcases, a duffle bag and two boxes.
12) Cry as you eat your weight in Ben & Jerry's while "taking a break" from packing.
13) Fantasize about staying in Ithaca. Get excited.
14) Fantasize about leaving Ithaca. Get excited.
15) Cry again because you realize you have no idea what you're doing with your life.
16) Leave making arrangements to the last minute because you refuse to think too much about leaving.
17) Write a blog post about it.
Basically if there are a lot of tears involved, you should be all set.
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