Sunday, July 17, 2011

List 19: Things I'm Grateful For This Week

  1. Family.
  2. Meals and coffee with friends.
  3. Maccas breakfast... yummm...
  4. Spending time with the adorable Sophie.
  5. Lazing around on Saturday mornings with family, having (an awesome) breakfast, watching ABC4Kids (while the actual kid was sleeping) and getting massages. Brilliant.
  6. TV show marathons.
Packing and TV show marathons have taken over my life this week. I started and finished the first season of Buffy and boy, is Angel fiiiiiiiiine! I'll be going to the same college David Boreanaz went to which I'm squealing about on the inside. I'm also currently rewatching Roswell. Oh boy, do I love that show. I hardly rewatch TV series (Doctor Who, Alias and now Roswell are the only ones I've seen more than once, I think) so if I'm rewatching them, you know I do love them.
What things are you grateful for this week?

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