Sunday, April 24, 2011

List 6: Things I'm Grateful For This Week

  1. Jesus and Easter!

  2. Friends and family.

  3. Fun times in Acting & Production I.

  4. Public holidays.

  5. The arrival of Yellowcard's When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes [FIIIINALLY]! Listening to it is like coming home and getting a massive bear hug. I have missed those boys so much.

  6. My teddy bear and childhood cartoons. Thank you for making me feel a little bit better this week.

  7. Discovering new and amazing bands.

So this week has been an up and down week. But it is Easter weekend and I have next week off from uni and God is good and taking care of me when I'm all by myself.

Let me know what you're grateful for :).

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