Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It has finally hit me...

So today on the way back from my pre-departure session, I cried for the first time about going on exchange. Talking to people and discussing going away and what we're expecting and excited/afraid of just made everything more real. And then I was listening to Ben Folds as I was driving back and Still Fighting It came on and everything was fine until the part that goes "one day you'll fly away from me" and boom, turn on the waterworks.

This is the first time I'll be away from my family and, besides from one week last month, the first time I'll be living by myself. And I'm going away for a year. Yeah, you can bet I'm scared.

I hadn't cried about going away until today. Everything just became so heightened and it finally dawned on me that I was leaving my parents for the first time. For one whole year.

Time for me to grow up. Wish me all the best.

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