Friday, December 3, 2010

Things I'd Rather Be Doing

Things I'd rather be doing than going uni:
  1. Dance
  2. Musical Theatre
  3. Make Up
  4. Reading
  5. Writing
  6. Singing
  7. Designing
  8. Dance
  9. Drinking coffee
  10. Dance
  11. Reading
  12. Performing
  13. Musical Theatre
  14. Learning the piano again
  15. Dance
  16. Singing
  17. Make Up
  18. Learning the guitar
  19. Dance
  20. Travelling
  21. Musical Theatre
  22. Singing
  23. Dance


I think you get the picture.

I know I'm on holidays at the moment but I was talking to some friends last night about uni and doing what you love versus doing what to need to to survive and it just got me thinking (again) about my future and where I'm going to go with an English degree. Sigh.

Also, I went to my old high school's annual Choreography Night last night and it was a fantastic show. Skye (the head of dance and my dance mummy; I love her) has just done an absolutely amazing job. I was also reunited with my beautiful dance family who I have been separated from for faaaaaaaar too long. I miss dancing and spending time with them. I love you all!

Anyway, I'm itching to write something again but I haven't really had much inspiration lately. I'll start to write something but then decide after the first paragraph that I don't like it and stop. Boo.

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