Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reasons Why I Don't Like Summer

  1. Insects. I really hate insects and bugs and creepy crawlies so summer is just the worst time for me. All the flies are out attacking my food and the mosquitoes are out attacking me. Spiders are hanging around creeping me out and crickets don't shut up at night. I saw a huge Daddy Longlegs in my bathroom this morning and boy, did it wake me up from my half-asleep state. I screamed and it sort of came out as a really weird strangled scale of notes because of my sleep-voice.

  2. The sun sets later. This means that there are longer days and anyone who knows me knows that I like my night time. It also means that the sun's at a really horrid angle when I drive to ballet. It doesn't help that I'm too short for the flappy thing the car has to block out the sun.

  3. The sun rises earlier. Sunlight filtering through the blinds might sound nice as a descriptive text in a narrative but in real life (IRL cause imma geek like that), it's actually really annoying.

  4. THE HEAT.

Oh gosh, there are SO many reasons why I hate the heat. I've never liked the heat (one of the many reasons why I hated living in Singapore) and, being an autumn baby (I'm not sure how it's relevant), I've always preferred my cold days and rainy nights. In no particular order, I present to you the main reasons why I don't enjoy the heat of summer.

Firstly, there's the issue of food and drinks. Ice cream isn't half as fun to eat when you're feeling hot than when the weather is cold. Sure, if might be a good relief and it might sound practical (cold ice cream on a hot day?) but is it fun? Not as fun as eating it on a cold day! And isn't that what summer's said to be? FUN? I also really like my hot drinks and coffees and teas. I pretty much live off it during the cold seasons (which might be why I get a little pudgy...) but it wouldn't be too practical to always be drinking a hot drink on a hot day. Because the heat around you isn't bad enough or anything, you gotta go warm up your insides. Smart.

Secondly, clothing. Summer signals the dusting off of sun dresses and shorts and skirts. What do these mean? Exposure of the legs and appendages. I have some real issues with my legs and I hate the way they are. Well actually, I love and hate them. I love that they're firm and toned(ish) and strong but I hate that they're so chunky and muscly. My calves are just basically one solid piece of muscle when I tense. It's actually a really freaky sight. Anyway, sun dresses, shorts and skirts means that exposure of the limbs is necessary if you want to survive the heat. This annoys me because I've always been really self-conscious about my legs and for the longest time I HATED showing them off so I always wore jeans. Like, always. Ballet's sort of helped me get over that issue a little bit which is a good thing even though I'm still not quite over it so exposing my legs isn't such a big deal anymore even though I still don't like it. I feel like that didn't really make sense but hopefully you got what I was trying to put across. Also, there's only so many layers of clothing you can take off before it becomes socially obscene. In the colder seasons though, you can layer up to your heart's warm and fuzzy content. *smiley face*

Along with that, I also love my jackets and jeans. I am most comfortable in jeans (besides dance attire) so you can aspect me to feel a little lost and exposed without them. Jackets, I feel, have the ability to change the look of an entire outfit. Depending on what type/style/design of jacket you wear, you can change a look from look really casual to a more evening-y/night out look. You can't do this in summer because it's impractical to wear a jacket when it's blistering. Boo.

Sleeping is next. I LOVE my sleep but hardly get enough of it. I hate being in bed at night not being able to sleep and just lying there lost in my own thoughts and imaginations. Depending on what mood I'm in, my mind will linger on different things, most of the time either on depressing stuff or some story I've got going on in my head that will never come true or be written. Either way, it generally leaves me feeling pretty bleugh. I don't like that feeling and lying in bed at night awake and alone with my mind leads me to that feeling. This brings us back to the heat of summer. My dislike for the summer heat stems from the fact that it leaves me awake at night. I get uncomfortable in the heat which means I can't get comfortable (...duh) enough to fall asleep. So I end up lying there, lost in my thoughts. And as I said earlier, I don't like that.

Next, exercise is more of a chore when it's hot. I love dance and I'll do it whenever and wherever but it's always slightly harder to actually do it when it's sweltering. Walking from the car park to the lecture theatre at uni is already tiring enough when it's not blistering but when it is.... ewwwww. Imagine what it's like when I'm actually putting effort into physical exertion. I don't have a problem with it when it's cold because it warms me up but I don't need to be warmed up when I'm already feeling hot.

Finally, I love my snow and rain and curling up in a blanket in front of a heater or fireplace with a massive cup of mocha and a movie or book.

So there you go. I'm sure there are other reasons why I don't like summer but those are the main ones. You can tell I'm totally looking forward to summer...

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